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    raiser Beispielsätze


    1. They have a charity fund raiser every year in aid of cancer research … their daughter had a close call with breast cancer about ten years ago and they make a point of raising what they can

    2. shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom, but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger,

    3. In that time, most of the men were working and the women in many instances were the nurturer and the child raiser for the most part

    4. raiser out there than this

    5. He’s the raiser of the dead, to the Body He’s the Head

    6. Certainly not a lavish lifestyle - he let me pay! But I had half wondered, if Doyle’s claim that he was a fund raiser for the IRA was true, whether he might have creamed off some of the terrorist funds from the accounts he was closing down for us

    7. air or not, but I was regularly selected for the Friday night curtain raiser in the

    8. The curtain raiser to the Green

    9. Christian television find raiser where they were trying to raise money to

    10. Is this how to be friends? Is this how you help poor underprivileged children? Is this the only way you cant get rich people to part with their ill-gotten gains to help poor children? Why don’t all these filthy rich parents who bring their filthy rich spoiled children to these charity matches cut out all the costs of this fund raiser? Why don’t they just give their money directly to poor communities and children who are living in Africa? This is why professional sports and capitalism is evil: it takes the best motivation and the best good in people and it twists these good intentions into token lies, into corruption

    11. When he had thus long reasoned the matter, they laid hold on him, accused him, and condemned him into exile, not as a despiser of religion, but as a seditious person and a raiser up of dissension among the people')

    12. had been a real hell raiser

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