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millet Beispielsätze
1. millet bread as to their next move
2. of the puffed millet
3. 9 percent for millet, and 14 percent for wheat
4. Leave some food and a millet spray in the cage at night in case your budgie wakes and wants to feed a bit
5. Occasionally, offer a small bit of foxtail millet as a treat or incentive for good behavior
6. The best alkalizing grains are quinoa, millet, and buckwheat
7. Pearl millet is known to be high in goitrogenic glucosinolates, on a par with, say, broccoli
8. In the Sudan it was observed that "where pearl millet was the only staple, the incidence of goitre was higher than in urban regions where other food-grains such as sorghum were consumed
9. Consumption of pearl millet is considered one of the factors responsible for the high incidence of goitre in rural populations
10. A positive correlation observed between the incidence of goitre and per caput production of pearl millet in six African countries supports this viewpoint
11. Furthermore, [it was] observed that rats fed pearl millet diets developed abnormal thyroid hormone patterns with hyperplasia while animals fed sorghum were unaffected
12. Feeding trials in rats showed that the goitrogen in pearl millet inhibited [thyroid] hormone
13. Iodine supplementation did not alleviate the goitrogenic effect of pearl millet"
14. Buckwheat, rice and millet are not technically grains so they contain no gluten and can be used by those who are gluten-intolerant
15. Timonus was quite hungry, having only been given small amounts of millet mixed with water to eat over the last few days
16. Psyche had to sort a huge mount of barley, millet, poppy seeds, lentils, and beans, then she needed to gather a hank of wool from a flock of shining golden sheep
17. Corn replaced millet as a staple crop after it was discovered in the New World and brought back to Europe, and destroyed the American colonist’s diet even worse
18. Why? Because it could be more easily preserved than millet
19. The rations, which were halved for officers, rarely varied from millet or barley and boiled seaweed, plus a few slices of vegetable
20. Millet, representing 'Apollo lifting his golden lyre', commanding the apex
21. On a desk were a couple of schoolbooks, but also a paperback — Omnivores, by Lydia Millet
22. If the grain of millet beneath the millstone had thoughts, it would, doubtless, think that same thing which Jean Valjean thought
23. In fact, this confirms me in my conjectures as to Jehovah's fortune; and when I see so much distress in heaven and on earth, from the bird who has not a grain of millet to myself without a hundred thousand livres of income, when I see human destiny, which is very badly worn, and even royal destiny, which is threadbare, witness the Prince de Conde hung, when I see winter, which is nothing but a rent in the zenith through which the wind blows, when I see so many rags even in the perfectly new purple of the morning on the crests of hills, when I see the drops of dew, those mock pearls, when I see the frost, that paste, when I see humanity ripped apart and events patched up, and so many
24. The ring-dove found his hemp-seed, the chaffinch found his millet, the goldfinch found chickweed, the red-breast found worms, the green finch found flies, the fly found infusoriae, the bee found flowers
25. Some seeds of the oat, wheat, millet, canary, hemp, clover, and beet germinated after having been from twelve to twenty-one hours in the stomachs of different birds of prey; and two seeds of beet grew after having been thus retained for two days and fourteen hours
26. but we are not going to have millet porridge," said the boy, after a moment's thought, to wind up his budget of interesting items
27. At their backs were feather cushions, and before them, on a round board, were millet cakes and melted butter in a bowl, and Tartar beer, "buza," in a small pitcher
28. The swarthy man jumped up and ordered Zhilín to be placed to one side, not on a rug, but on the bare floor; he went back to his rug, and treated his guests to millet cakes and buza
29. Such are the pictures by Millet, and, particularly, his drawing, "The Man with the Hoe"; also pictures in this style by Jules Breton, L'Hermitte, Defregger, and others
30. On the one hand, the best works of art of our times transmit religious feelings urging toward the union and the brotherhood of man (such are the works of Dickens, Hugo, Dostoievsky; and in painting, of Millet, Bastien Lepage, Jules Breton, L'Hermitte, and others); on the other hand, they strive toward the transmission, not of feelings which are natural to people of the upper classes only, but of such feelings as may unite every one without exception
31. In front of them, on a wooden platter, were some millet pancakes, some melted butter in a cup and a jug of Tartar beer
32. ntering the handsome galleries of the American Art Association, one finds the lower floor given up to the Barye bronzes, while the upper rooms are devoted to the “Angelus” and the paintings by Millet and other contemporaries of the great French sculptor
33. Millet has doubtless painted better pictures, but for direct simple pathos it would be hard to surpass this
34. A beautiful little nude by Millet, “After the Bath,” has been sent by Mr
35. , have lent an important and beautiful “November” by Millet, showing a sloping field with a harrow lying on the foreground and a man shooting at a flock of birds from behind a tree at the top of the hill
36. Walters loans the crayon sketch for it and one of “The Sower” and the “Sheepfold by Moonlight,” with others, and there are some very interesting pastels and water-colors by Millet, Rousseau and Delacroix