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    Verwenden Sie „whenever“ in einem Satz

    whenever Beispielsätze


    1. Whenever I feel it vibrate, I race over to see if I caught something to eat, but then it’s always him just putzing around

    2. That representation is then stored in our computers and cross referenced whenever we need to find out where you are in the world,” Ackers said as he walked, never slowing his pace

    3. Whenever we asked some senior citizens about the meaning of this term, they felt it was just a new term and nothing more

    4. Ever since that moment he was always worried whenever he touched a keyboard, screen or holographic work station

    5. If your grandchildren know that you are available, then you can be assured that whenever a difficult situation arises, they won't hesitate to ask you for advice

    6. I was a sort of surrogate mother to her in her teens and we’d stayed in touch … whenever she had a problem she would ring me

    7. Whenever the lawn is under stress, several things have occurred: 1:

    8. Use a drip system whenever possible

    9. Care should be taken whenever handling any formulas, chemicals or organic fertilizers, etc

    10. However we meditated or prayed sporadically whenever it suited you

    11. nervous energy that sparked between them whenever they looked into each other’s

    12. Whenever you walk into a

    13. it with an ATM card whenever we

    14. When you obey the law you are never alone, you have 13000 men and women to back you up whenever you need them

    15. "I'll let him call it up if he wants," she raised her hand to forestall Ava's objection, "whenever he gets here

    16. “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against

    17. whenever I see her and having her around would be something

    18. Rode around on his bike with the boys where we lived … was quite keen on kicking a ball around whenever he could

    19. Got upset whenever she cried, so, of course, she learned very fast that he was entirely at her beck and call

    20. Whenever the muscular twitch in my groin, the inevitable and basic urge to pee, eventually broke through the layers of hallucination, it was a relief to have to think of something so utterly and basically animalistic

    21. Whenever I awoke, and despite my eternal confusion about time and place, my inner currents of anger and resentment always felt fresh and alive

    22. Whenever I hint that we ought to stop seeing each other she gets all upset and I can’t go through with it

    23. When I explained to the telephone operator what I wanted, she just hang up to me! Nevertheless, whenever old-Zarifis calls them for the same reason, the police arrive here in no time so as to restore peace and quiet! When my sister threw a party some months ago, the old man called the police as soon as the clock struck midnight and they arrived five minutes later

    24. I show him my interest whenever I can, I have even given him my telephone number

    25. Whenever I confide in her I like some stranger on the road, she says scornfully: “Only silly women fancy such men!”

    26. Instead he had to go completely on his own, keeping no council and avoiding attention whenever possible

    27. The Countess through her financial foundations and partnerships moved in quiet splendour wherever and whenever she wished

    28. She was free to seek all she wanted, come back to him whenever she felt like it

    29. She always visited the school library whenever

    30. By dint of hiding in one or other of them whenever she felt particularly overcome, she managed to maintain her sanity

    31. I visit islands whenever possible

    32. at a distressing rate whenever the red juice

    33. In fact, I became so obsessed that whenever I appeared for Classics studies, the other boys would chant, 'Here he comes - The Idiot and the Oddity', punning Homer's title

    34. Oh, how the Greeks love their kitsch - that is, whenever they can afford it, yet no matter how hard they tried, still they could never disguise the heady smell of diesel

    35. whenever you are tempted to reach for that chocolate box go to

    36. But she wasn’t worried; it would be there, available whenever she needed it

    37. He took extra care whenever his small hands brushed one of the empty cans of strong lager that his mother drank in the afternoons before going down the pub

    38. He loved violets and scattered them round the house whenever he could

    39. "I have a feeling I'll have room for you whenever the mood strikes

    40. It is worth a little trouble and exercise, is it not, to maintain one’s health? So practice this head rotating exercise whenever you have a quiet moment and can perform it inconspicuously

    41. I wish you'd ply these waters forever, I'd love to sail with you whenever I need to travel

    42. Something happens to me now whenever I'm in that odourless, invisible, wetness that is water whether in the bathtub, under the shower or just washing my skin

    43. Nonetheless, she found herself positively enjoying the concentration of interest that surrounded her whenever the conversation turned to the state of the nation and to the whole immigration issue

    44. They made a great fuss and gave him lots of attention whenever he played the slightest riff

    45. Anyway, I brought a load of 'em back with me and sold the lot in one morning down Brick Lane so now, whenever we get the opportunity, we buy a load more and do a nice line for as long as they last

    46. Jools said it was the funniest thing she'd ever heard which was what she said whenever anyone made her laugh which made me wonder if she'd been burning stubble again

    47. At home in Cornwall, whenever things were quiet in the library, I'd pretend to busy myself in the Reference Section because from there I could see the waters of the harbour and if I raised my head a little I could just about see past the lighthouse to the distant horizon with its line of silver light

    48. Whenever I looked into the crowd and caught someone's eye they'd begin muttering and nodding and pointing in my direction and it became more and more clear not just that I was in the wrong place but also that I'd sat in a chair reserved for a guest of honour yet to appear

    49. ' all names of numbers shortened to one syllable whenever possible

    50. Whenever artefacts are revealed in this area, and they appear almost daily, we keep them underground, hidden in a safe place, because as soon as discoveries are registered, the authorities might as well run up a flag and invite the plunderers to try their luck

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    Synonyme für "whenever"

    when you will at your convenience