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    Use "android" in a sentence

    android example sentences


    1. "Someone could do things with that android and blame it on you

    2. The android fell over with a clang

    3. She even noticed there was an android on the surface, an Android of Ava

    4. "That was Morg's android I was in then, I haven't had mine out since Alan found out about them

    5. "Is there some chance the real reason I was picked first was because of this android?"

    6. Glenelle wondered if her android would even work after all this time, and blinked into it to try

    7. Her android looked like she did when she died, the second youngest on the crew of Gordon's Lamp at death, Ava being the youngest by far at twelve

    8. Glenelle found that she could still run the android as well as she had when she helped raise Alan, the only one of their seed zygotes Gordon's Lamp ever thawed and raised

    9. "If it does any sophisticated skin capacitance readings or anything but the most cursory retinal scan, this android won't pass

    10. It is as good as we had in 2175, but it would never pass sophisticated technology of your day, even a simple finger-prick would determine this is an android

    11. "If there's no sophisticated biometrics on your ship, this android can pass

    12. You are seeing a photographic image of this android on live video, not the output of an Angel's personification rendering channel

    13. It was up to her and her skill with that android to get that starship going and she agreed to try

    14. When the Presidente Lula departed Sol bound for 61Cygni, Glenelle was much younger than the woman shown by this android

    15. Now she was drifting above it using the eyes of her android for instruments

    16. The artistry of the machine was good enough that she probably could use it to go to the surface and get laid if the shuttle was still here and the android had working sex organs

    17. The main way she could tell, in the android, was that she could hear again

    18. The remote in that area is one of the ones that's out, I think you'll have to send the android or a bot around to take a look

    19. Months crawled by since her ride in the android

    20. She had grown used to it those few days in his android, she knew how to call it up now and animate it like it was herself

    21. This would be a good use for the android that was down there, if it was within months of this location

    22. By the time a year had passed since she rode that android to no avail, Glenelle had pretty much settled in

    23. " She could have gone into talking about the war, but they were going to have to start walking back pretty soon if she was going to get him into the android on time

    24. She had, in his android and Vic's, in Zhlindu

    25. "Just us in the androids? That thing weighs what, four tons? My Android was big

    26. "We may have to fight them for it," she said, as she used her android to hand Alfred's android a projectile weapon

    27. They forgot that no mortal can ever enter virtual space save with an avatar or in death, and no Angel can ever enter baseline space except in an android

    28. She had to be convinced that her android was all that was needed

    29. "This is the face that android shows, the android you want me to use on your control panels

    30. This android is an I/O device for me, I still need to know how to drive a starship

    31. As the android swam in space toward it, he saw the ship because the video that its android's eyes provided to the Angel who animated it, could also be projected to the crystal ball on his desk down here in the chaparral below Gengee City

    32. "I'll examine what we find from one lander," Glenelle said, "I wish it could be an android actually, that would blend into the scenery Alan found a lot better than a standard groundbase

    33. He had the android on the shuttle in case he had some reason to interact with the natives

    34. Before he thought carefully about it, he noticed he had activated the android

    35. Was he really going to let a naked savage goad him into acting like this? Was this the only way he could get her to understand they knew better? What was he trying to prove now, that we are humans just looking for our offspring? Just like you but with a different vehicle? Here in the android he felt less biological than he did in his own space

    36. "What is an android?" she asked next

    37. “As such,” Ava said, “If this is the echo of 2341 you should know the history of the Android Wars?” She had been young when it happened, but the early asteroid belt had been plagued by sabotage and outright pitched battles as iOS and Moly tried to exterminate all traces of the Android OS

    38. "To really come to your planet, I'd have to come as an android

    39. But I really have no idea what an android is

    40. Glenelle screamed about the trouble she was having with her android, but Alfred couldn't let that distract him now that they had finally found the person they needed

    41. Right now Alfred was just maneuvering the android between the man they sought and the wall

    42. The android was deep inside the native hive now, if it wasn't for the three-d plot he kept running on a side screen up here, he would have no idea where he was

    43. The planet's moon would be on this side of the planet for the next few hours so the delay to the android was a lot less and he could operate it much more successfully

    44. She had moved her android in on his other side now

    45. Alfred moved the android forward, "We need your coach," he said, "and we don't have a lot of time," the native reached for the coach door like he was going to climb thru it

    46. Vic's android reached out and gripped the coachman's upper arm, with enough pressure to let him know her machine was without the Instinct also, "And above all, question nothing, say nothing and give nothing away by sign or deed that we are anything other than respected and well-paying customers

    47. "You will be told where to turn when the time comes," Vic's android said

    48. Meanwhile Alfred was maneuvering his android across the busy business street toward the pedestrian plaza

    49. The system plotted a new route, he nearly got the android damaged because he was busy looking at that plot and noticing what a challenge Alan's new location was going to be, so he paid too little attention to the android's sensors

    50. The native driver yelled "Are you lost in space? You damn scrounge!" as Alfred brought the android to the curb

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    Synonyms for "android"

    android humanoid mechanical man

    "android" definitions

    an automaton that resembles a human being