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    Use "humanoid" in a sentence

    humanoid example sentences


    1. Soon a humanoid shape started to appear in the middle of the rain, with arcs of electricity dancing around it until it finally took shape in the form of a man

    2. For the last forty decades scientists agreed that life of humanoid evolution had been transported here from a planet at a star called YingolNeerie and Estwig had never heard otherwise

    3. Well, he’s humanoid in appearance, he thought with a sigh

    4. Humanoid life, humans in particular, had crossed that boundary in the early to mid 40th if one was poor and living in his ancestral lands in the old north, many generations ago

    5. It was a humanoid, but no higher than

    6. It was a spiral protozoan of humanoid evolution that could inflame the joints and even the nervous system

    7. That coupled with the living proof of just how far advanced the races had become since the days of the Origin Race, proved to them that the true path was evolution, to continually advance humanoid life in seemingly infinite ways

    8. From many, a humanoid shape hung suspended

    9. Hidden within the branches, he could barely make out several tall humanoid forms

    10. As the ball of light neared, Ostedes saw a shape at its center – a puny, weak, humanoid form

    11. The thing, pixellated, resolved into what the suit’s computer identified as a humanoid figure

    12. Its humanoid form appeared out of focus, shifting, unable to resolve into a fixed shape

    13. Now he was seeing them as they truly were: a civilisation perhaps a millennia ahead of humans, yet still flesh and blood; fearful, paranoid about their perceived threats from humanoid races displaying a potential for galactic spread

    14. But rather than the demigods of his nightmares, these appeared humanoid

    15. It was vaguely humanoid: a dark creature

    16. This one, although humanoid in general layout, was smooth-skinned and had more human features

    17. Three-four meter long beings with the body of a lion, wings like a giant eagle and a beautiful, humanoid face

    18. small elevator; pulsing recollections of the headless humanoid he

    19. A preserved humanoid female that was discovered in a two-

    20. Religion guided us through most of our problems through our humanoid era

    21. Talia was the only other humanoid there, and the other four habitually went about completely unclothed, as was the manner of their races

    22. More than most humanoid Master Wizards could gather, more even than most could use effectively if it was passed to them by others

    23. “I think you Xervians probably know more about magic than the humanoid races, and that you dragons are probably most knowledgeable of all

    24. And for a humanoid race, sixty thousand years is a long time

    25. Zarkog considered the Eldest for several long moments, then he scratched his chin in an eerily humanoid manner and shook his head a bit

    26. It was more than any mortal humanoid had ever personally held before, though it was a tiny fraction of the total, and it reduced by a bit the amount of time he could hold Zarkog at bay

    27. Nuke informed us that Rapsar was a member of the tall, blonde, humanoid extraterrestrial species sometimes called the Nordic types, and said that they had been responsible for creating the warrior-based culture of human Vikings, which was very similar to their own

    28. As some scientists have claimed, Homo sapiens sapiens was deliberately created by extraterrestrials through genetic alterations of a more primitive humanoid

    29. appeared to our senses as humanoid figures, glowing in

    30. Tall humanoid figures emerged dressed in similar colors like the uniforms of the Death Stalkers

    31. Housed in the massive head was a small humanoid

    32. The staunch Arachnoids carried their humanoid friends through a creaking, marble archway

    33. “Follow me,” said the decrepit humanoid

    34. They hesitated for a moment, then assumed humanoid forms, much like the Gaeans

    35. The green and purple-scaled humanoid used his webbed arms to retreat from the sea trolls and address his companions who continued to collect stunned fish in their travel nets

    36. Her body was humanoid, much like a petite troll woman

    37. This split into two shapes that assumed legless, humanoid forms

    38. Driptwist began the preparations necessary to assume a humanoid form

    39. Taliesin heard the movements of humanoid troops beyond the thicket

    40. We will not terminate every Chaotic Humanoid that stands before us this night

    41. We have encountered a life form that appears to be humanoid in shape

    42. clearly humanoid in shape

    43. I formed an ancient humanoid species that predates human history

    44. The being was humanoid, small in stature, about five feet tall, but with a little more meat on its bones then Spielberg’s aliens

    45. A very tall, slender humanoid appeared before them

    46. His captors consider him to be humanoid; and with having no food or water for twenty eight hours should have put him in a weakened state

    47. The shock of the amount of the invasion force and the canned humanoid parts made him convert every microchip he could find

    48. Discovering a world populated by an aggressive humanoid species gave the Arct a new purpose in life

    49. Many centuries later, while testing out an improved hyperdrive, the Arct discovered a planet teeming with humanoid life

    50. Such was their store of weapons every humanoid became armed and they slaughtered every living Arct in a frenzy of killing

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