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    Use "brutally" in a sentence

    brutally example sentences


    1. ‘A friend, eh?’ He said brutally, striding across the room and taking me by the shoulders

    2. this may be brutally honest it will save you a lot of heartache in the future

    3. “I’m going to be brutally honest with you; he was reasonably healthy at the time of the accident and he’s as strong as an ox – we’re relying on this, and his will to live, to pull him through

    4. Most of them had been brutally killed

    5. “What’s happening Billy Boy were is the rest of the Battalion and never mind that were are the bloody reserves?” I replied quite brutally

    6. If I may be brutally frank, you are not family yet!

    7. This time the newslines of the Arkham Instigator clashed brutally with those of

    8. He had offered me a chance and been brutally honest about my odds

    9. Far worse, Winship brutally crushed independence demonstrations in two infamous massacres, at Rio Piedras in 1935 and Ponce in 1937

    10. When they finally returned to the village; Nadir’s dazed reverie was brutally shattered

    11. The Squad were brutally killed by Mohammed stood his ground

    12. All he had been after was information for his own political gain, and to hell with everyone else: they could all rot in prison or be brutally killed for all Gordon cared

    13. The night before Enrique’s murder, a man under arrest in a case Edgar had been deeply involved in was also brutally murdered

    14. Then, in a dizzying avalanche of events cascading out of control, Truman showed up, returned from the dead, Edgar was brutally murdered before his very eyes, and now, here’s his cousin cocaine trafficking on a grand scale for a major politician! Added to this parade of horrors was the knowledge that the American CIA sponsored their bloody rampage through his country by drug smuggling

    15. However brutally Mia had treated him, he forgave her the lot and only wanted her back

    16. He retaliated brutally after we encouraged his people to rise up against him during the first Gulf War, then abandoned them

    17. And those few women that choose to sign contracts to be paid and used for sex videos often get tricked into signing vague agreements where the movie producer can change the rules whenever he wants so if he tells her to show up to film a sex scene with one guy he can change his mind and have her show up unprepared to be brutally abused and gang raped instead as a means of male entertainment for a different movie or video instead

    18. An obsessive, compulsive schizophrenic with a sexual interest in his assistant, bounds and gags her before brutally stabbing her and then wakes up to recall nothing of the night before

    19. Shortly thereafter an Arkansas white boy, not a member of any diversity clan, is brutally raped for hours by two homosexual men and left to die

    20. As I thumped more brutally, I re-evaluated why I was here again

    21. When Jesse left us alone, Irina brutally hinted that she and Jesse were once lovers

    22. mercy to the two women who begged for their lives before he brutally

    23. She tried to remind herself how the Catholics had brutally

    24. While living at Westfall Avenue, our landlady, Joyce Clay, was brutally murdered with a golf club

    25. Ken watched the bellows expansion joint as it was brutally sprung to the exploding point

    26. result of the scarring from my two C-sections, and from being brutally

    27. brutally raped and murdered

    28. Then, they brutally raped her

    29. “More and more it becomes a choice between swearing a binding oath to justice, or risking being brutally beaten for the slightest transgression, since our societies are becoming more alike in every other way with every minute that passes

    30. Still fresh in my mind how I usually sang this song after being brutally abused by my mother

    31. The shrieks of those who were brutally squeezed inexorably away

    32. My heart aches to remember my martyred sisters -- brutally, mercilessly butchered; or dragged in chains, naked and loaded with insults, to the ships of the north-men; or drowned in attempting to escape the island; or, most tragically, driven to the sin of suicide

    33. Let us be brutally honest here, this is the state of people in the United Kingdom today:

    34. I currently reside among men who have brutally taken the lives of men, women and children

    35. He clasps his left hand brutally across her mouth

    36. have attached the first 2 chapters for you to critique for me, and hey…be brutally honest,

    37. I was born in a family that lived in a country that was brutally exploited and oppressed by

    38. Foreigners had invaded India for more than a thousand years and brutally tried to destroy the culture and will to fight

    39. In a punishing assault, he brutally raped her, the pain of the

    40. Pupil-Lover of gay teacher brutally murders his Christian Headmaster! Can’t you see the headlines? He’d get instant promotion

    41. Patricia, the lady who owned the apartment where I used to live, was brutally murdered and they think that I did it

    42. They observed a rough and bullying youth brutally attacking a smaller lad

    43. Brutally grasping the boy by neck and haunch, the giant up-ended him and thrust him head-first into the green pool

    44. Then where in the name of Crom was the boy whom he had seen brutally drowned in that pool? Rising, Conan fingered his sword, and gazed around the court again

    45. And that was to buffet her brutally upon the side of the head with his open hand, so that stars flashed before her eyes and her head rolled on her shoulders

    46. His wicked features were convulsed with fury, and he grasped the terrified Muriela by the throat, choking her efforts to scream and plead, shaking her brutally

    47. It was, indeed and in truth, the will of the Father that his Son should drink to the full the cup of mortal experience, from birth to death, but the Father in heaven had nothing whatever to do with instigating the barbarous behavior of those supposedly civilized human beings who so brutally tortured the Master and so horribly heaped successive indignities upon his nonresisting person

    48. His mind slipped back in time and as the seconds ticked away his thoughts skipped back to the meeting with Skeets Kirby shortly after Sam had been so brutally beaten

    49. He had watched them half in wonder that these thugs had once planned and guided a huge military war machine that would have been the envy of Napoleon, Julius Caesar and Genghis Khan, and half in hate that these people could have killed so many innocent human beings, so brutally, so needlessly

    50. Zamlooping the head with the loop bitted through the mouth and brutally tight rendered the person incapable of speech

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    Synonyms for "brutally"

    brutally savagely viciously

    "brutally" definitions

    in a vicious manner