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    Use "viciously" in a sentence

    viciously example sentences


    1. For a startling instant, I see again Jack trying to console me in much the same helpless fashion after Dorothy died … the memory stings viciously

    2. I swung viciously at it and missed

    3. It had been hard visiting Abery before but Joris hadn’t been there and she’d been able to withdraw into herself to some extent … and the European trip had been hectic, demanding her full attention … and in London afterwards she’d been occupied in achieving Joris’s purpose … and the trip across had kept her mind busy, first with JJ and then Iain … and even coming back, being at The Centre and travelling on the wasteg … that too had been manageable … but now … with no purpose to drive her, no solitude to enfold her and no Joris but only the shadow of his memory imprinted in JJ’s face and voice … she felt naked, vulnerable and viciously exposed to the scouring of her grief

    4. Several would call out sick on the same day, and they would fight, sometimes viciously among themselves, and with the men

    5. Golden Frog viciously pulled the remains of the field apart and tugged at the artery

    6. He pulled her viciously to his chest and kissed her on the mouth

    7. Once she was outside she viciously kicked at a stone

    8. He knew he should be angry with Millicent for abusing him so viciously in front of all these people, but he could only think of how he deserved it

    9. In its excitement a latecomer rushed past the others and the lead rat snapped at it viciously, sending it squealing back into the pack, where it sat licking its wound

    10. He closed his eyes for a moment and looked at her viciously:

    11. ―You fucking bitch,‖ he screamed viciously kicking every thing he could lay into, and breaking two of the air vents at the back of the center console

    12. "I hate porridge," said Faith viciously

    13. connecting again with his electric entrapment, aching viciously from his beating

    14. The room rocked viciously and the cupboard crashed down next to her

    15. reverent to viciously irreverent

    16. Mark quickly buried it under a mound ten times as big, then viciously crushed the pile down to two-thirds it’s size with the strongest Movement he could muster

    17. Those who were seized were viciously beaten

    18. snapped the whip viciously over a drover's head making him cower in added fear

    19. The oak-wood spike poked deep into his neck and she twisted it viciously into the soft, wet flesh and Haki grunted once

    20. barked viciously as he pounced on Chuck’s back

    21. She moved up in the ranks by viciously killing her competition in every combat she was a part of

    22. Each creature chomped viciously at the Arkadians as it whipped past them

    23. viciously across her mind

    24. The feral beings fought more viciously than before

    25. After testing the knots, Glaze stood in front of his prisoner with a satisfied smirk, then kicked him viciously in the ribs

    26. In an instant later all the specks fly out of all the suns setting on all the horizons and sprout a viciously bizarre air force to finish you off

    27. The straps supporting my pack and fighting equipment bit viciously into my shoulders

    28. He swung viciously with his sword and it felt as if he were cleaving cobwebs

    29. Ruth would suddenly wake and grab Sam viciously and scream obscenities in Polish and German, her sleep destroyed by the hell on earth that she had suffered in Dachau

    30. ' Viciously Valbroso kicked a small but heavy iron chest that stood on the floor near by

    31. He had viciously beaten several guys who were suspected of talking to non members about their activities

    32. "What's that? Nothing?" Her hand struck out quickly and viciously at his penis, as if she were trying to swat a fly

    33. It struck Mainwaring between the eyes and exploded viciously inside his head

    34. Angrily, he pounded his fists on the table and swore viciously

    35. John-Paul frowned and shook his head viciously

    36. They forcibly mounted him on a horse, so that the leg chains were tightened over the animal's back and the rough, cold steel dug viciously into his legs

    37. The wind was viciously cold

    38. Viciously he slapped another magazine into the gun, and fired another burst

    39. The assault rifles barked viciously

    40. Three grenades exploded viciously around the area where they had left Ritko

    41. Again the Bren chattered viciously

    42. they lost traction sliding over the edge of the steep embankment viciously

    43. Up until then we had been viciously manipulated and controlled by this group in every way imaginable

    44. Dogs are also used to viciously attack the enemy

    45. With a sickening thud, Henry’s body slumps down on the front steps when Cal and Max viciously stab him with their swords

    46. His heart was pounding viciously within his caged chest as sweat began to bead upon his tender brow

    47. He slowly moved his chair back from the table and shook his head at his father who, of course, had just gone back to gnawing on a pork chop bone, sucking viciously the gristle

    48. The dogs hated me, viciously ripping the remaining flesh off of my body

    49. Nothing's coming, Boris, just go already, he thought viciously

    50. Corey is the slime ball who viciously attacked me while my

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    Synonyms for "viciously"

    brutally savagely viciously

    "viciously" definitions

    in a vicious manner