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    Use "initiator" in a sentence

    initiator example sentences


    1. Be the initiator and be sure to show the people you are

    2. That card, issued from the initiator, must have

    3. The main points of the legislative proposal (developed by the initiator, in

    4. The Initiator made an image of an aura with the most wonderfully delicate

    5. appointed Member of the Brotherhood in the name of the One Initiator; that

    6. In all the world there is but One Initiator, but in the case of the first and

    7. The Initiator tells the candidate that now he has

    8. Maitreya was the Initiator, and consequently the ceremony took place in His

    9. The Lord bowed His head gravely, and the Masters put the candidate forward so that he stood before the Initiator

    10. Initiator what they were

    11. Initiator showed him many astral cases and asked how he would help in each,

    12. this candidate the Initiator added:

    13. Then the initiator rose from His seat and turned towards Shamballa, and called

    14. the star to the heart of the Initiator, and from Him to the heart of the

    15. “In the Name of the One Initiator, whose Star shines above us, I receive you

    16. And the Initiator and the

    17. for a moment to expand and enfold the Initiator and the new Brother in its

    18. The picture when the Initiator made His own causal body glow, and that of

    19. When all this had been done, the Initiator gave the Key of Knowledge to the

    20. But when the Initiator knows that the candidate has already some

    21. Before the man can proceed to the second Initiation, the Initiator chosen by

    22. Initiator, and the august figure of the Lord Gautama Buddha shone out with

    23. of all other planes, save only the entry into the Presence of the One Initiator

    24. Initiator, of one of His three Pupils, who are all Lords of the Flame from

    25. Him are the One Initiator, the One without a Second, the Eternal Youth of

    26. (A) There is always a desire to help and this comes from the initiator, the being in the physical plane

    27. In her screenplay, Phillip was said to be the Angel of the West, the initiator of action

    28. existence, above the intellect, chit shakti, is the guiding force and initiator

    29. Between the two opposed impulses, this awareness is the first initiator into wisdom, although the

    30. It is useful to remember how Lord Shiv, the initiator of yog, insisted on

    31. Louie was the talker, the initiator of the teasing and the taunting and the name-calling, using every swear word Ben had ever heard and a lot more he hadn’t

    32. “But this is the proof of any god, real, imagined, or created: does it believe in you? God the Believer is the initiator, the one who loves beyond distinctions and cares unconditionally

    33. God can definitely claim this, as He is the initiator of the marriage

    34. recognized as the initiator inSpain of a new type of verse in his Doloras and Pequeñospoemas

    35. Teaching intelligently, guessing my inexperience, leading me on as if I was the initiator and she the seduced, reluctant but giving in, hinting the next step, telling me no and acquiescing until I, the little bumpkin, finally understood that she was no virgin

    36. This is the beauty of love that sooner or later it surpasses its initiator, it gains a decisive control over the lover; it guides the lover to ungraspable dimensions of perfection; love becomes its own mentor, rationale, cause and purpose

    37. Apart of that, he was the initiator of most of the bad habits I have

    38. The creator and initiator of such energy is in itself unique

    39. Initiator of the heavens and the earth; You are my Protector in this life and in the Hereafter

    40. Say, "Our God, Initiator of the heavens and the earth, Knower of all secrets and declarations

    41. The Sword of the Initiator

    42. A basic put/call assumes that the initiator of the trade bought the option

    43. We know not whether the order initiator actually bought the option—maybe a block of calls traded as part of a covered write

    44. We don’t know whether the initiator was opening or closing

    45. The initiator presumably has done the buy-write side

    46. Maybe the initiator is rolling short calls from a buy-write into another month

    47. These trades mislead in two ways in that they both double the volume of whichever side the initiator used, and they are only modestly directional in nature

    48. Kutuzov replied: ‘I should be cursed by posterity were I looked on as the initiator of a settlement of any sort

    49. Kutúzov replied: “I should be cursed by posterity were I looked on as the initiator of a settlement of any sort

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    Synonyms for "initiator"

    initiator instigator

    "initiator" definitions

    a person who initiates a course of action