Use "instigator" in a sentence
instigator example sentences
1. “It seems perfectly obvious to everyone who was the instigator here,” Ms
2. This time the newslines of the Arkham Instigator clashed brutally with those of
3. America has many times been the instigator in
4. A cold sweat began to form on the cold blooded instigator
5. maybe even worse than being the master instigator
6. instigator when it came to verbal or physical
7. ” Eyes narrowing Morgan knew that this had been the instigator of the entire mess that had transpired
8. Was the mind-executioner the instigator of the wars which had befallen the neighbours of the Lammas Lands? But, why would a mind-executioner wish to have land? And in a way which involved bloodshed? He—or she—would have power enough to take what he wanted without anyone standing against him
9. the instigator of the fight, Karen was warned by the officers to drop her vendetta against me,
10. As the instigator of this re-publishing I have been very pleased with the
11. ‘No, you’re underage and no one would believe I was not the instigator
12. You were tried and convicted as an instigator of murder
13. “What happened here, Shanice?” He asked the instigator first
14. Bridget was also notified of the episode through her and Matthew the main instigator was warned by her that if he or any of the others went near there again their father would hear about it
15. Matthew turned and had a long hard look at the instigator of his infuriation
16. ‘In nineteen sixty-six, the year of her divorce, she was tried and found guilty of being the instigator and providing funds to enable her lackeys to carry out attacks on homes in North and West Wales
17. Cameron was not the instigator of the trouble
18. Shockingly, she ended up being the main instigator of the
19. “Your Highness, who was the instigator of this devilish plan?”
20. Queen Anne also didn’t seem to appreciate the rude remark of the noblewoman, who happened to be one of the most ardent enemies of royal power and was also a main instigator of the Princes’ Fronde Uprising
21. Leo knew he would brief Richard, his second in command, and for the time being, he kept me, and the rest of his command in the dark until he could figure out the importance of having the instigator of the coming revolution in his midst
22. Maggie would still be responsible for the preparation for killings, but Sam Hollings would be the instigator
23. So, having been the prime instigator of this idea, I was about to lose my job
24. the lessons we learned along the way, is that pride is the instigator of the
25. The even worse picture of her being the instigator of a complete meltdown of the Euro threatened by the French and Italians helped her to cleverly compromise and move the process forward
26. brushed aside by her still getting her thing on by berating the instigator of the
27. “Why did he give her a box full of horrors?” Reho pointed at Zeus, determining that he must be the instigator of this endless chain of unbroken evil humanity continues to plague itself with
28. When profit became the essence and purpose of money's existence, it ceased being a mediator between strangers and became an instigator amongst friends
29. or physical problems she should have been desperate for a panty-peal; instead at the first hint of sex she turned into an ice cube and nearly ran a marathon to put distance between herself and the gorgeous instigator
30. Pon was curious to see what the instigator behind all this had in store for them, and he felt sure that a greater danger lurked at the other end of the tunnel
31. And what of the Austrian senile old doddering ass of a fool emperor Franz Joseph who was still clinging to his medieval empire which would have fallen apart at the seams naturally without much fuss if that fucking Tsar Nicholas of a jackass hadn’t intervened? He was actually the first instigator of WW1 by sending Serbia a humiliating ultimatum: blaming that nation for the action of one anarchistic individual who happened to be a Serbian anarchist
32. While the Kaiser is secretly rubbing his hands in glee at outfoxing the idiot Nicholas II the Tsar in making the first move, and in doing so, sealing his own fate as the instigator of the entire affair
33. We could say that this evidence of evolutionary creation strengthens the possibility of there being a ‘God’, and if this ‘God’ is the possible original instigator of the beginning of creation, and evolution, then this ‘God’ would have, in this instance the first and last word about everything to do with creation the universe and life
34. I knew Phil would end up as the instigator and recover his sexuality
35. "What has become of Danglars, the instigator, and therefore the most guilty?"
36. What was the lawyer thinking? Was he going to pretend to be shocked that Ralph had killed his wife? If so, Ralph was ready to point out that Gregory was complicit in everything that had happened at the nunnery – he had been the instigator
37. In addition, the net is awash with rumours, many of them carefully placed to drive the price up or down so the instigator can sell or buy as needs be and make a killing
38. knew that she was the instigator in most of the capers she
39. At that very time, in circumstances even more important than retreating without a battle, namely the evacuation and burning of Moscow, Rostopchin, who is usually represented as being the instigator of that event, acted in an altogether different manner from Kutuzov
40. ‘Madam, madam, this incident does not reflect upon you!’ he cried impressively, ‘no one would take upon himself to accuse you of being an instigator or even an accomplice in it, especially as you have proved her guilt by turning out her pockets, showing that you had no previous idea of it
41. Supposing that he did agree, it would still follow that Dmitri Karamazov is the murderer and the instigator, and Smerdyakov is only a passive accomplice, and not even an accomplice, but merely acquiesced against his will through terror
42. Oh, how can I describe the effect of this on Andrey Antonovitch! Hearing that Pyotr Stepanovitch had duped him again and had made a fool of him so coarsely, that he had told her much more than he had told him, and sooner than him, and that perhaps Pyotr Stepanovitch was the chief instigator of all these criminal designs—he flew into a frenzy
43. The lovely persecutor who was the instigator of the whole escapade, and who till then had been my irreconcileable foe, suddenly rushed up to embrace and kiss me
44. “The question is, whether she was the instigator and inciter in this affair, or the servants?”
45. The merchant, anxious to acquit Maslova, insisted that Botchkova was the chief instigator of it all
46. "The question is, Was she the instigator, or were the servants?"
47. At that very time, in circumstances even more important than retreating without a battle, namely the evacuation and burning of Moscow, Rostopchín, who is usually represented as being the instigator of that event, acted in an altogether different manner from Kutúzov