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    Use "lunch" in a sentence

    lunch example sentences





    1. have something healthy for lunch, what are you going to do? When they

    2. Ava's week had started on a sad note when she saw Kulai off on the Flying Northwind just before Morningday lunch

    3. Normally when she came over for lunch they rummaged the kitchen and took their booty to the fourteenth floor balcony on the far side of this yacht basin

    4. "It's not a lunch or two, or the tickets, it's all the sheaths I bought, all the parties I went to, all the concerts I went to, all the guys I did, all the yaag I did

    5. It helps us to recharge our energy levels in the morning, which if not boosted will make us feel tired and hungry and could end up snacking on high calorie snacks or overeat at lunch

    6. “I turn it on first thing in the morning, and then it’s up and running just before lunch time

    7. “I left for less than five minutes and my lunch is completely gone!” Ackers whined

    8. “I left my lunch right here, on this very spot

    9. There were four docks in town, only one had power-boat fuel but the price was pretty good, better than Herndon had been paying, better than she paid at Nightday lunch

    10. It was lunch time before they finally moved off, but they ate fruit and bread as they moved out into open country

    11. Before they were done with their lunch, they were traversing open range spotted with scattered small holds with small herdsmen on open range

    12. Frank took a moment to enjoy the view out of the break room window as he stored his lunch in the refrigerator

    13. He called back and said he was on lunch break but would be there in thirty minutes or so

    14. His men took the kargirs and tended them, more of his staff served lunch on a patio

    15. During lunch she met his current partner, a lithe, orchre-skinned Elf woman who was fascinated with his alien culture

    16. After lunch Herndon paced, waiting for her sister's call, while she and Elond stayed at the patio table and chatted about social theory

    17. She’s doing lunch for me … sweet of her

    18. Barney grins at me, banging his spoon on the table as his father tries to encourage him to eat his lunch … I can’t help feeling that Barney is far more interested in me than his food

    19. We could grab lunch at a pub somewhere nearby perhaps

    20. Over Monday’s breakfast, over lunch and throughout the afternoon, as they

    21. As it was, this held them up till lunch time

    22. A cook came by with a push cart to Taktor's yard every day of the week and that was where they took their lunch

    23. Tinned soup for lunch

    24. ‘Fine – tell her to bring the family over for lunch

    25. ‘Molly says to come over for lunch

    26. that she would eat later, that she had not long finished a late lunch, but she would stay

    27. She had stopped for gas twice, the first time around five in the morning, and the second time also for lunch

    28. ‘Yes, she’s got a little boy … they were here for lunch today

    29. We have just had lunch and the guru wants to show us how much he loves Bessy, his big, pitch-black, hairy dog

    30. ‘How about I whisk you off to a nice pub for some lunch instead?’ he countered ‘Assuming I can use your bathroom facilities to wash some of this dust off my hands, that is

    31. Lunch is very light-hearted and great fun

    32. I tell her all about the day yesterday … leaving out some of the details with regard to Nick … and mention that I’m going for lunch with a couple of the residents today

    33. I’d got to know some of the boys in the village quite well and we’d come up here with our bikes and a picnic lunch, spending all day up here

    34. Ernesto and his sons were due to arrive not long after lunch this Afternoonday

    35. He relaxed in the front court of the house once lunch was done

    36. They had another bite of late lunch with Athnu, there was traffic on the canals

    37. She declined his offer of dinner, saying that she would eat later, that she had not long finished a late lunch, but she would stay and keep him company while he ate

    38. She closed her eyes, forcing her memory back … ‘I had lunch at the hotel … yes, that’s right

    39. There were a couple kegs aboard, owned by Yarnay on mast six, and she was able to mooch a cup or two a day out of them, but that was what Luray used to drink with lunch

    40. He’d even got as far as starting to turn out his belongings, sorting a great heap of garments, knickknacks and furnishings into black plastic bags already heaped in his car so he could drop them at the charity shop near his office during his lunch hour

    41. Reality kicked in as she cut a plateful of sandwiches for lunch and, by the time she was ready to set out for the bus stop, normality – as she knew it – had reasserted itself again

    42. ’ Iain glanced at Kara who was concentrating on her lunch

    43. and fish-head is out to lunch,

    44. “OK, lunch it is, and then nap time for you

    45. Caderl materialises just before lunch

    46. ‘Do they serve lunch in this place?’ Berndt asked, turning to practicalities again

    47. They had a late Morningday lunch here

    48. If they hadn't stuffed themselves so at breakfast they probably would have been thinking about lunch by now and be sorry they weren't nearer vegetation

    49. Berndt appears for lunch and the three of us pretend that nothing has occurred, spending a pleasant afternoon taking it in turns to play the board game Berndt taught me on the barge … as then, he thrashes both Joris and I mercilessly

    50. Daniel and Kate joined them for lunch

    1. Cyberia was quite possibly the most haughty, proud and conceited young lady to have ever shopped and lunched in the fabulously gold plated arcades and streets of London Town

    2. lady to have ever shopped and lunched in the fabulously gold

    3. affair than on the previous occasion Tom had lunched there, even

    4. We lunched on a

    5. He did not hear this last offer of mercy to the Jewish rulers because he was still in conference with a certain group of Sadducean relatives and friends with whom he had lunched, and with whom he was conferring as to the most fitting manner of dissociating himself from Jesus and his fellow apostles

    6. The nun lunched at the house while she waited for the train back, and in accordance with the discretion they asked of her, she did not mention the child again, but Fernanda viewed her as an undesirable witness of her shame and lamented the fact that they had aban-doned the medieval custom of hanging a messenger who bore bad news

    7. Then I had lunched with my family after a long gap

    8. “In fact, I knew you had lunched together today, and I know what you talked about

    9. Presently tea was ready, out on the table where we had lunched

    10. Avoiding the bigger hotels, she went to a small one she came across in an obscure street, where she lunched alone, except for one old lady in a dark corner, attended by an ancient waiter

    11. She had no need to ask the way, because this was Dwight's college, and sometimes she had lunched in his rooms, and knew well the little street, the lovely garden, and the quiet path at the end, with a high wall on one side and a screen of trees on the other, up and down which, after luncheon, she and Dwight would pace

    12. All Oxford, by the time Fanny got back to the inn where she had lunched, was having tea

    13. A clergyman, too; and one that had lunched in Charles Street

    14. The _Herr Lieutenant_ has not yet lunched, and will be down in a moment

    15. I lunched on a verandah overlooking the common, with the Madonna lilies of the little garden within reach of my hand; and the tablecloth and the spoons and the waiter were all in keeping with the clean landlady

    16. Ogleby lunched with Langhorne and I began to suspect that the shadow that had been placed on her could not have been engaged by Martin Ogleby, for he was not the kind who would take reports of the sort complaisantly

    17. He always lunched and dined at his club

    18. They spoke to each other over the telephone several times a week, and lunched together at least once a week

    19. They lunched together and the evening dinner, with Panos and Stratos, was the big and happy gathering of the day

    20. We lunched at a small rural town at the pub where we shocked the waitress by asking for

    21. And driving his ass before him he begged his master to follow, who, feeling that Sancho was right, did so without replying; and after proceeding some little distance between two hills they found themselves in a wide and retired valley, where they alighted, and Sancho unloaded his beast, and stretched upon the green grass, with hunger for sauce, they breakfasted, dined, lunched, and supped all at once, satisfying their appetites with more than one store of cold meat which the dead man's clerical gentlemen (who seldom put themselves on short allowance) had brought with them on their sumpter mule

    22. They lunched by the fireside on a little round table, inlaid with rosewood

    23. My guardian then took me into his own room, and while he lunched, standing, from a sandwich-box and a pocket-flask of sherry (he seemed to bully his very sandwich as he ate it), informed me what arrangements he had made for me

    24. The three of us lunched dejectedly near the lake, eating the miserable things we always ate

    25. What the object of my friend's manoeuvres was I could not conceive, unless it were to keep the lady away from Phelps, who, rejoiced by his returning health and by the prospect of action, lunched with us in the dining-room

    26. On the day of her arrival we lunched at the Lido, where she was greeted at almost every table

    27. We lunched with Lady Marchmain

    28. The rest filled the hall and were soon eating scrambled eggs and crumpets; and Mr Samgrass, who had lunched at home and dozed all the afternoon

    29. They told me where you usually lunched but I couldn't see you there

    30. Sure, she had friends, tennis, her part-time job at the library, but when was the last time she’d lunched with a friend? Or lifted a racket? He stayed here, perhaps, because in the sad fact of the dying girl on the motorized bed beside him he felt closer to Sherri’s loneliness than he had yesterday on the arm of her chair

    31. These women all shopped and lunched and attended book clubs together

    32. " Many came, lunched, and departed, but Brother Solomon and the lady who had been Jane Featherstone for twenty-five years before she was Mrs

    33. Napoleon had lunched and was awaiting the deputation

    34. They lunched in the veranda on steak and bread and jam, a repeat of breakfast without the eggs

    35. One noon, Susie and little Drew giggled and played with the scythe while their father lunched in the kitchen

    36. Nevertheless he always lunched at home, and after the meal would stretch himself on a sofa and talk confidentially to Katenka: yet from what I overheard (while pretending, of course, to pay no attention) I gathered that they were only talking of the heroes and heroines of novels which they had read, or else of jealousy and love, and so on

    37. When, during a recess, her guards had lunched on bread and hard-boiled eggs her mouth watered and she felt that she was hungry, but considered it humiliating to ask them for some food

    38. Napoleon had lunched and was again standing in the same place on the Poklónny Hill awaiting the deputation

    39. “We lunched with our manager to-day

    40. “If I’d known just a day ahead,” he reproached her, “I could have lunched with you as well as not

    1. They invited him to Sunday lunches

    2. They invited him to Sunday lunches and on days out with the grandchildren

    3. Of course, it had to be the right sort of politics, the sort that was supported by bazaars, whist drives and charity lunches attended by her sitting member of parliament

    4. If, of late, his movements had become more laboured or his gait a touch more sluggish, then the cause was surely, in equal measure, as much the constant burden of his professional obligations as the sumptuous lunches which he forced himself to endure, in order to maintain both his strength and his spirits

    5. During the next month, Doris had the boy in her house many times, getting better acquainted with him, serving him lunches, soda, candy

    6. Everything appeared so ordinary – people sitting with their lunches, chatting, children chasing one another among the trees – and that normalcy seemed so strange; abnormal

    7. School lunches and aid for Women, Infants and Children ($5

    8. “All the dinners and lunches I’ve bought for you and you stole my Hershey

    9. They had fancy clothes, power lunches and private deals

    10. People had stopped with their desk lunches to stare in wonder as the guards radioed for help but it was too late for them to stop the three men as they got into the lift and zoomed up to the 36th floor

    11. This recipe is a simple way to make a flavorful dinner with plenty of leftovers that you can reinvent into other lunches or dinners during the week!

    12. But, brunches or lunches would be quiet and cooked happily by her—with the cook putting in most of the effort

    13. Furthermore, I spoke almost daily via the old AutoVon phone system with two young female attorneys, Bob Culbert’s direct reports, because he was always drunk afternoons after his usual three martini lunches, when I had questions which only someone in OOL could answer

    14. Prepare your work bag, the kids school bags or the nappy bag with everything (except lunches) that need to leave the house

    15. Park lunches were traditionally work sessions but accommodated and encouraged lively give-and-take conversation

    16. Those lunches prompted one to recall something from my earlier career, when I reported to a top executive who was to die an alcoholic

    17. “NO! You can't do that”' I knew she would put a fight up for this because in the pasted if we went out of business lunches or dinners it would take me half the meal to tell her I'm paying but I didn't care she needed to understand that I had money to burn if I wanted and I wanted to spend it on her

    18. “I also had many enjoyable breakfasts and lunches with him in Ithaca as we discussed a number of business subjects over the years

    19. We’d gotten used to our monthly two-couple lunches where he would regale us with the many triumphs regarding his rather interesting professional life

    20. We'd gotten used to our monthly two-couple lunches where he would regale us with the many

    21. their lunches to know how unhappy she was

    22. After downing their cut lunches with a cup of tea they held a whispered conference on the far side of the pool, facing away from the house

    23. This started out as a way to use leftover’s from lunches for the week, typically we would have on Saturday morning

    24. taking his new secretary for three-hour business lunches

    25. Dominex’s management loved their long lunches

    26. Sam groaned and collected the lunches

    27. The answer is square plates – they can be used for box lunches as well

    28. ‘Ahh, he likes his counter lunches at the pub

    29. recalled fond memories of lunches filled with flirting and innuendo

    30. off at leisurely lunches

    31. We heated up our lunches

    32. lunches in the church grounds

    33. They hosted teacher appreciation lunches each semester, raised money for teachers supplies, many of the seniors volunteered at the school as well a couple of parents and helped with after school tutoring

    34. I had just about calmed her down when Charlie decided to make an appearance, slithering from underneath the couch and scaring the lunches out of both of us

    35. We came back to the Ministry of defense for the catered lunches and

    36. By packing your lunches every day, a family of three can save about forty-five dollars a week or around $2,340 a year

    37. Packed lunches and the cost of gas and you can have a day that will live in your memory and the memories of your kids for years to come

    38. ‘The days of long lunches for our mantris are over,’ was the buzz in Shastri Bhavan

    39. Mind paying for our lunches, Scout?”

    40. Bill and I were frequent hosts to lunches at the

    41. Mauritians, or perhaps Sicilians, disappeared and Bill and I had to buy untold lunches

    42. Kendall noticed that she no longer received text messages, especially from Rosy, to include her in lunches and get-togethers

    43. expensive suits, the luxury cars and the business lunches had impressed me at first, until

    44. senior staff meetings and conferences in prestigious office buildings, the business lunches, all

    45. competitiveness, the hand-stitched suits, ostentatious motor cars and business lunches were

    46. We met for long lunches

    47. finding the students' lunches at the Wild Animal Park,

    48. B sidewalk, eating their lunches, and they gave Andrew his

    49. he motioned for those being served lunches on the lawn since the tables were filled

    50. He’d seen her lunches with several of the men her brothers had arranged for her

    1. He found the compound closed and was told that the Latin American Presidents were lunching with the Royal family

    2. Around about that time, one Saturday morning, while Liberty was in Sydney, shopping and lunching with Aureole, Adam had a rummage around his garage looking for something, when he came across his journal

    3. As a matter of interest, he’s even now lunching with your predecessor at the RAF Club - knows him well, apparently

    4. “Your official happens to have been lunching, if that is what he was doing, in the very establishment in which our man was murdered, on the same day and at about the same time

    5. was the only response that I got from these work averse, golfing, lunching,

    6. trays of incumbents too busy lunching or without the wherewithal to

    7. And Dwight would say that her lunching with him was an honour which would encircle his rooms in a nimbus forever, and that they would shine now down the ages--"Oh Dwight, what a long time

    8. "Two of my cousins are lunching with me," she said, arranging her curl in front of the glass

    9. She had been lunching, she told me, with Charlotte, and they had had a nice talk, she said, about me

    10. At ten minutes past one, George was lunching with Helen Thatcher

    11. at eleven, they put the Do Not Disturb sign outside the door and made love on and off till late afternoon lunching on sandwiches and champagne

    12. “You are lunching, dear boy, with the Avenger of Halven

    13. Meanwhile, less than two miles away, Nancy Reagan is lunching at the Georgetown home of Michael Ainslie

    14. "The Prime Minister is lunching with me

    15. As she ignored the sandwich and played with the fries, she couldn’t help but wonder where Blythe and her friends were lunching; no doubt some chic restaurant in the Village with cloth napkins, a wine list, and designer cuisine

    16. I allowed that their conduct was bad, but I urged him to take into consideration their heedlessness, their youth; then, too, the young men had only just been lunching together

    17. I received one letter from Sebastian, a conspicuous object which was brought to me in my father's presence one day when he was lunching at home; I saw him look curiously at it and bore it away to read in solitude

    18. 'He and Sebastian are both lunching with me

    19. By chance I met this same wine again, lunching with my wine merchant in St James's Street, in the first autumn of the war; it had softened and faded

    20. Rex's age was greatly in his favour, for among Julia's friends there was a kind of gerontophilic snobbery; young men were held to be gauche and pimply; it was thought very much more chic to be seen lunching alone at the Ritz - a thing, in any case, allowed to few girls of that day, to the tiny circle of Julia's intimates; a thing looked at askance by the elders who kept the score, chatting pleasantly against the walls of the ballrooms - at the table on the left as you came in, with a starched and wrinkled old roué whom your mother had be warned of as a girl, than than in the centre of the room with a party of exuberant young bloods

    21. You must stop lunching with him

    22. Apparently I can do her no serious harm in a hat-shop or hairdresser's or lunching at the Ritz

    23. He came on with me to Hillingham, and found that, by Lucy's discretion, her mother was lunching out, so that we were alone with her

    24. "I didn't say they were officers,—two young men who had been lunching

    25. Likewise, I remarked that the Prince was a very near relation of mine, and that, when lunching with him the same day, he had invited me to go and spend the entire summer with him at that villa, but that I had declined, since I knew the villa well, and had stayed in it more than once, and that all those balustradings and bridges did not interest me, since I could not bear ornamental work, especially in the country, where I liked everything to be wholly countrified

    26. Wade found himself lunching at Sherry’s with the head waitress from Raegan’s

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    Synonyms for "lunch"

    dejeuner lunch luncheon tiffin eat dine sup ingest feast take a break midday-meal refreshment snack

    "lunch" definitions

    a midday meal

    take the midday meal

    provide a midday meal for