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    Use "luncheon" in a sentence

    luncheon example sentences


    1. Wolf’s luncheon and to trek all the way over to Granny's house

    2. “What they saw was a skilled angler, of modest age, with outstanding equipment, at his leisure in the midst of this grand city, enjoying the out of doors at his luncheon break

    3. It’s obviously been hand-delivered … curious, I open it to find a fancy, glitter-covered invitation from the Ladies Katie and Abi requesting my presence at an alfresco luncheon with the Richards family at Lacock Abbey on Easter Monday

    4. The next day Zarko and Helez were invited to a luncheon with the king and queen as their special guests

    5. Sally rushed through the door in a frenzy, apologizing profusely to her dear friend, explaining that she had taken longer than expected with some calls to her suppliers and that an accounting glitch also affected her timing to arrive at the luncheon punctually

    6. “Count on it, Sally! You know, this was a very enjoyable luncheon after all

    7. He smiled as he thought what the king’s reaction would be if he should find out that his nephew deemed a swim in the river more important than a luncheon!

    8. Ferguson also told Sergeant Cooley that his role would be confined to providing and supervising the waiters for the luncheon

    9. Pancho, who was noted for ribaldry and profane jokes and profane language in anyone’s presence, was the picture of decorum the whole luncheon

    10. during a luncheon at the Yacht Club in Perth Amboy

    11. He opens the door and escorts her to the room with Lelani and Queen Latifah as they leave for their luncheon

    12. “After the Rotary Club luncheon,” Pate said, “Roy conferred with his assistant, Jean Ballard, put in a heavy schedule of office work, and headed home

    13. “If there was any satisfaction in my departure from Park, it was to observe him at various luncheon spots, huddling with his financial people

    14. The discussion was earnest, and it continued with scant interruption throughout the luncheon and the door-prizes and the dancing

    15. When I first came to Ithaca in 1975, I had a call during the first week or so of my presidency asking if I would come downtown to a luncheon meeting of the bank board

    16. NUMBER ONE FAN FOUND OUT that Manuelito Dizon, the Head of Channel 3 Programming, had a luncheon meeting

    17. The secretary told him of the luncheon meeting

    18. The luncheon was a Tuesday ritual that started at one o'clock in the family dining room on the second floor of the White House

    19. He was the thirty-sixth President of the United States, but the first to select bombing targets at a weekly luncheon

    20. He rarely invited members of the military to his luncheon

    21. He did meet privately with the USAF Chief of Staff once in a while, but always in his office, never at the Tuesday luncheon

    22. Before moving into the semi-oval dining room, the luncheon guests met in the sitting room for drinks, which the two officers declined

    23. The luncheon talk was banal and did not afford much opportunity for the two Air Force officers to contribute

    24. With the next luncheon date closing in, I finally confided to my wife, whose best friend was his wife

    25. With the next luncheon date closing in, I finally confided to my wife, whose best friend

    26. luncheon with the little old ladies missionary club at the church

    27. When the senator checked with the White House, they knew of no luncheon meeting

    28. 3 After a noontide luncheon at Matthew's house they all went with Peter to call upon Simon the Zealot, whom they found at his old place of business, which was now being conducted by his nephew

    29. 2 Since Philip had about finished the purchasing of supplies, he and Andrew returned with the Greeks to the home of Joseph, where Jesus received them; and they sat near while he spoke to his apostles and a number of leading disciples assembled at this luncheon

    30. She would conduct the rest of this luncheon as a business meeting

    31. When Warren acknowledged him, he said in a voice too haughty to be real, “Ladies and Gentlemen, Luncheon is served in the next room

    32. As a result of my luncheon and

    33. I‘d try to first set up a luncheon date with the

    34. a result of a luncheon meeting with Hawthorne

    35. That was our luncheon!

    36. c) Now suppose this whole thing was kicked off after a private luncheon at the White House by the CIA perpetrator

    37. At the end of his parade route the limousine took a dog leg to the right off of Main St and onto Houston with an immediate left onto Elm to enable the connection with a thoroughfare to his luncheon site

    38. If he had had the support he could have caught the desired expressway to the luncheon site and arrived un-harmed

    39. ELIZABETH BASCOMB SAT patiently at the small table, elegantly set with the hotel’s own fine silver and a fresh rose cut from the gardens early this morning, in the dining room as she awaited the arrival of the young woman who had called her last night at such a late hour to inquire as to the possibility of having luncheon this afternoon

    40. ” That was merely an excuse she would use so as not to reveal her plans to go horseback riding before having luncheon with Elizabeth

    41. Tempting as it was to recount the entire event of last night, Faye realized she would not have time to do so if she was to go riding before her luncheon date with Elizabeth with whom she wished to confer before revealing the story to any strangers

    42. ” She had immediately recognized this man’s voice and presence as the server who had tended to their previous luncheon then assumed he would recall the faces given that was a portion of his duty when dealing with such exclusive guests as those that frequented this posh hotel

    43. She knew the problems that Faye and her husband were having and could only hope that a quarrel had not turned violent, preventing the young woman from attending this luncheon

    44. Bascomb, assuming those feelings were reciprocated, Faye would have made every effort to be at that luncheon, which would suggest that she had perished before two o’clock

    45. Then again, Faye may have simply lost track of time or else completely forgot about her luncheon engagement, which would again allow her death to fall any time after twelve thirty

    46. At least there had been no frantic calls from the hotel regarding the suspect, so that was promising in that he should have no difficulty in securing Terence; afterwards, he would turn the formalities of the procedure over to Lowell and Cyril and perhaps find time for a nap before luncheon

    47. Though the veil covered the upper portion of her face, the weakness in her voice suggested she was emotionally distraught as she recounted their final luncheon together and their joint decision that she should be very careful until the law was brought in to protect her from her husband; furthermore, the twitching of her gloved hands and the manner in which she rapped her walking stick against the floor as she spoke added emphasis to her convictions, even when she mentioned the Grey Ghost with which the jurymen were all familiar as a possible player in the disappearance

    48. luncheon idea had started out as a chance for his friends to help him

    49. Perhaps his own apprehension was only a result of the unpleasant luncheon from which he had recently come with the full shock of the ramifications of the meeting finally hitting him

    50. He noticed that luncheon was at the Dunes Club with the other members of the Convention Center Committee

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    Synonyms for "luncheon"

    dejeuner lunch luncheon tiffin

    "luncheon" definitions

    a midday meal