Use "narcotic" in a sentence
narcotic example sentences
1. I suppose it was some kind of narcotic – taking into account that Zisis often provides Aphrodite with hashish, and who knows what else
2. "But how would they conduct any weapons research if they're in a narcotic haze?"
3. blood suffused with a narcotic that brings no more relief
4. Delos joined in and thought they might be under the influence of some narcotic, he’d seen it portrayed in the crime-dramas he watched
5. "Because you're in a state like coming off a narcotic
6. The five claimed to be part of a ‘Special Branch’ of the Narcotic Control Board tasked with suppressing Burmese labourers in Thailand
7. I stayed in the car with Will who was not yet one year old while Dixie, on narcotic post-op painkillers, went inside and qualified for her own UEC
8. narcotic pain relievers which may be morphine-based
9. Todd eased away from Roger, putting the narcotic rag back in his pocket
10. Todd’s strong left hand held his neck firmly while the narcotic soaked rag did its work
11. Pedro, Birdie, and William had come back outside while Chica was rolling in the mildly narcotic mint
12. The contents were familiar – crushed stone, a potent narcotic that was snorted by the user
13. Rappone chuckled and followed suit shooting up on his own dose of the latest narcotic
14. Some people liked the crazy visions that they had during their deep REM cycles, and would request a modified form of the narcotic called Sandman
15. similar to reaction to narcotic drugs—he is lost
16. Her senses exquisitely acute, she tasted the pulverized stone mixed with her blood and broken teeth, and the narrow slits of her pupils focused on her prey---she could smell the stench of pure panic now---such a narcotic
17. “ It says by the dark of the moon, combine the narcotic extract in mullein and add it to ‘angel water’ made by distilling myrtle leaves and flowers
18. I blink at her sickness-induced conversation and inject some heavy narcotic for any pain she might have, which I should try and ask her about, but all I can mange is, “The beach?” Didn’t we all?
19. The whole thing was narcotic
20. Grimes, Akhim and Mophi stood at Mohammed’s bedside, although wasting away and on high amounts of narcotic, analgesia, he still appeared as an astute, proud man
21. Dam was drowsy from the effects of the narcotic Omnopon, and he felt in no pain
22. Due to the narcotic drugs, Dam now felt in a euphoric state
23. was still foggy from the narcotic, but she felt it starting to clear
24. Heroin is a habit-forming narcotic so powerful it depresses the central nervous system and puts the user in a temporary euphoric state
25. All narcotic drugs have the capacity to become addictive
26. Codeine, as one of the narcotic drugs, therefore can cause addiction when used improperly or abused
27. Examples of these addictive drugs are hallucinogens, barbiturates and benzodiazepines, methamphetamine, cocaine and other stimulants, marijuana, hashish, narcotic pain killers, inhalants, and club drugs
28. Of the different narcotic drugs, morphine is the one most widely used for pain relief
29. It is therefore important for a doctor to supervise the use of narcotic drugs for pain relief because of all the dangers associated with addiction to the drugs as explained above
30. It is also important to understand that narcotic drugs tend to depress the reflexes that cause a person to breathe
31. "narcotic" pain-al eviating effect of alcohol which raises the threshold at which pain is felt, and
32. result of the narcotic action of alcohol in deadening his pain, and stupefying his senses
33. Nevertheless the usage of narcotic agents has always been a signifi -
34. Regardless of whether you venture into subterranean tombs or keep your focus above-ground, the charm of Paris can have a narcotic effect
35. If I had wanted to use anything save narcotic medicines that were poisons in themselves, I would not have administered any of those
36. They throng about the captain, begging and praying him to commit the helm to them; and if at any time they do not prevail, but others are preferred to them, they kill the others or throw them overboard, and having first chained up the noble captain's senses with drink or some narcotic drug, they mutiny and take possession of the ship and make free with the stores; thus, eating and drinking, they proceed on their voyage in such manner as might be expected of them
37. But it wouldn't occasion me the least surprise to learn that a pinch of tobacco or some narcotic was put in your drink for some ulterior object
38. But that was also when I started abusing prescription narcotic painkillers
39. While narcotic painkillers were not new, the FDA recently had approved OxyContin, a new, more powerful time-release pill version of oxycodone, the compound found in Percocet and other medications
40. At that time, my mood shifts were probably secondary to, and being fueled by, my overuse of narcotic painkillers (in public) and my drinking (in private)
41. Suboxone is a combination of a synthetic opiate, buprenorphine, and a fascinating drug called naloxone, which can immediately reverse the narcotic effects of opiates in the brain (which is why it is, increasingly, used by police and other first responders to save people who have overdosed)
42. Buprenorphine, 16 mg four times daily (my chart said “for back pain” but this was to help me avoid narcotic pain meds)
43. This was the rush, the high, the narcotic that pushed trial lawyers to the brink
44. He could be clear as a bell when he was on one of his jobs, but afterwards he would lie around in a narcotic haze and someone would walk all over him
45. Chewleaf—a mildly narcotic leaf from a native Safeholdian plant
46. And so, as if some more powerful narcotic has been mixed in with the dope, he’s following the voices and the dwindling orange bloom of it back along the path
47. Again the narcotic
48. The maids were still breathing, but more restlessly, and I fancied that the narcotic was wearing off
49. No one was ever able to discover how, and by what connivance, he succeeded in procuring, and secreting a bottle of wine, invented, so it is said, by Desrues, with which a narcotic is mixed, and which the band of the Endormeurs, or Sleep-compellers, rendered famous
50. She further testified that during her second visit to the room of the merchant she gave him, at the instigation of Kartinkin, several powders in a glass of brandy, which she considered to be narcotic, in order that she might get away from him