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    thriving example sentences


    1. A farmer purchases an old, run down, abandoned farm with plans to turn it into a thriving enterprise

    2. He wanted to say that his dad didn’t have anything to worry about, that Johnny was not only doing fine, but thriving in his newfound profession

    3. thriving on the heat and stream of flaming gas

    4. But down around the port, came a more thriving version of life in shiny, tiled kitchens, and white lace curtains flapping a gentle hint of an incoming breeze that would help to keep the flies at bay

    5. 'During the Middle Ages Faria had a thriving community and became a haven for pirates

    6. Almost five hundred years later we find the plants strong and wild, thriving in his kitchen garden

    7. You are a sentient race with a thriving society regardless of ‘how’ you came to be

    8. Aquatic plants need a steady supply of oxygen to keep them alive and thriving

    9. She never asked, and Ava never seemed to get home the concept that the essential difference was that Koruki lived in a healthy and thriving civilization, while Ava lived in the ruins of a former one

    10. After supper come the speeches, Lizzie Goulden speaks very well and amusingly about the Society and where it has been since its inception, saying that she hopes it will continue thriving for many years to come – you can see that she is used to being on a stage

    11. But though North America is not yet so rich as England, it is much more thriving, and advancing with much greater rapidity to the further acquisition of riches

    12. In a thriving town, the people who have great stocks to employ, frequently cannot get the number of workmen they want, and therefore bid against one another, in order to get as many as they can, which raises the wages of labour, and lowers the profits of stock

    13. the credit of a frugal and thriving man increases much faster than his stock

    14. their wages would neither rise too high in the thriving, nor sink too low in the decaying

    15. Butcher's meat, except in the most thriving countries, or where labour is most highly rewarded, makes but an insignificant part of his subsistence; poultry makes a still smaller part of it, and game no part of it

    16. Secondly, America is itself a new market, for the produce of its own silver mines; and as its advances in agriculture, industry, and population, are much more rapid than those of the most thriving countries in Europe, its demand must increase much more rapidly

    17. America, therefore, is a new market for the produce of its own silver mines, of which the demand must increase much more rapidly than that of the most thriving country in Europe

    18. In order to supply so very widely extended a market, the quantity of silver annually brought from the mines must not only be sufficient to support that continued increase, both of coin and of plate, which is required in all thriving countries; but to repair that continual waste and consumption of silver which takes place in all countries where that metal is used

    19. The remainder may be no more than sufficient to supply the increasing demand of all thriving countries

    20. He’d built a thriving business, whether or not his wife’s money had launched it

    21. First, by this attention they were enabled to make some tolerable judgment concerning the thriving or declining circumstances of their debtors, without being obliged to look out for any other evidence besides what their own books afforded them ; men being, for the most part, either regular or irregular in their repayments, according as their circumstances are either thriving or declining

    22. In mercantile and manufacturing towns, where the inferior ranks of people are chiefly maintained by the employment of capital, they are in general industrious, sober, and thriving; as in many English, and in most Dutch towns

    23. But when she managed to gather her courage and look him in his soft green eyes, shyly speaking out the profound affection that had been thriving in her heart for weeks, his own voice became caught in his throat

    24. thriving, as Heron seemed to be

    25. He’d proved himself the head of a thriving household

    26. “Obviously, if the Falmer are thriving in here, there’s bound to be a food source that perhaps even a pampered brat from Cyrodiil could stomach

    27. As promised, he was thriving under

    28. One year later and the spore has blossomed into a thriving example of a Patagonian trailing creeper

    29. In proportion to the extent of the country which they in some measure possess, the Spanish colonies are considered as less populous and thriving than those of almost any other European nation

    30. The other sugar colonies of France are in general all very thriving

    31. Virginia, Maryland, and New England were planted; and though they were very thriving colonies, yet there was not perhaps at that time, either in Europe or America, a single person who foresaw, or even suspected, the rapid progress which they have since made in wealth, population, and improvement

    32. But that the monopoly of the trade of populous and thriving colonies is not alone sufficient to establish, or even to maintain, manufactures in any country, the examples of Spain and Portugal sufficiently demonstrate

    33. The land was good, and of great extent; and the cultivators having plenty of good ground to work upon, and being for some time at liberty to sell their produce where they pleased, became, in the course of little more than thirty or forty years (between 1620 and 1660), so numerous and thriving a people, that the shopkeepers and other traders of England wished to secure to themselves the monopoly of their custom

    34. Though the Europeans possess many considerable settlements both upon the coast of Africa and in the East Indies, they have not yet established, in either of those countries, such numerous and thriving colonies as those in the islands and continent of America

    35. To establish a joint-stock company, however, for any undertaking, merely because such a company might be capable of managing it successfully ; or, to exempt a particular set of dealers from some of the general laws which take place with regard to all their neighbours, merely because they might be capable of thriving, if they had such an exemption, would certainly not be reasonable

    36. They are reckoned, however, as thriving, and consequently as rich, as any of their neighbours

    37. He was renowned for his skill in using a boning knife in the meat-packing plants that had made Sioux City, Iowa, a thriving town

    38. People crept from their hastily built shacks and began to walk towards the scattered remains of the Forum, now thriving with people from all walks of life, but seeking the same thing – freedom

    39. They showed no respect for the dead that lay around the once thriving community

    40. ‘I can just see Liam thriving in this kind of work, I’m very sure this is what he has been called to do,’ Patty said, wiping away a tear

    41. about surviving, it’s about thriving!

    42. Japan has large, thriving, and influential peace and environmentalist movements

    43. The province’s thriving tourism industry was all but eliminated in the scant forty-five seconds it took the Earth to shake off the strain along the fault

    44. “I was sort of a journalist too,” I said recalling too vividly the despair I had felt during those years after thriving as a cop

    45. In 1897, the landlady and her husband had set up a thriving

    46. The wreck bore mute testimony to the fact that this was once a busy and thriving part of the economic sphere of Empire

    47. What had once been a thriving, busy place was now moribund

    48. It was fully dark when they reached the Lübeck Bucht, the mouth of the bay that had permitted the city its role as a thriving seaport since Hanseatic times

    49. Similarly a visitor whose offspring did not survive, had thriving issues

    50. These proved to be of the Coosa, who told me that most of the other cities had concentrated to the south where they were now thriving

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    Synonyms for "thriving"

    booming flourishing palmy prospering prosperous roaring thriving sprouting budding blooming lush luxuriant prolific wealthy affluent well-off well-to-do

    "thriving" definitions

    very lively and profitable